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Fortune - Eating Apple Tree

Fortune - Eating Apple Tree

Crops in: September - October
Availability: Pre-Order
Dispatched: From late October

Description: Outstanding mid-season apple, sweet and very juicy with superb fl...

£21.99 Full Product Description

Fraxinus excelsior

Fraxinus excelsior 'Ash' - Bare Root Hedging

Bundles are shipped in multiples of 25 plants (5 Metre Hedge) 40-60cm
Availability: Dispatched between November - March

Common Name - Ash
Genus - Fraxinus

£27.99 Full Product Description

Fuchsia Mrs Popple

Fuchsia Mrs Popple 'Hardy fuchsia'

Growth: 150cm High x 75cm Spread
Size: 2/3 litre pot
Availability: within 2 weeks

Common Name - Fuchsia
Genus - Fuchsia
Cultivar - Mrs Popple

£4.99 Full Product Description

Fuchsia Riccartonii

Fuchsia Riccartonii 'Hardy fuchsia'

Growth: 90cm High x 90cm Spread
Size: 2/3 litre pot
Availability: within 2 weeks

Common Name - Fuchsia
Genus - Fuchsia
Cultivar - Riccartonii

£6.99 Full Product Description

Fuchsia Tom Thumb

Fuchsia Tom Thumb 'Fuchsia'

Growth: 90cm High x 90cm Spread
Size: 2/3 litre pot
Availability: within 2 weeks

Common Name - Fuchsia
Genus - Fuchsia
Species - Tom thumb

£5.99 Full Product Description

Gala - Eating Apple Tree

Gala - Eating Apple Tree

Crops in: November - March
Availability: Pre-Order
Dispatched: From late October

Description: Outstanding modern variety, sweet, crisp and juicy with a most attra...

£21.99 Full Product Description

Garden Design service - 10sq Meters

Garden Design service - 10sq Meters

Need help selecting the right plants for your beds or borders? Why not let us design it for you!

Let our team of expert garden designers take care of everything! Simply fil...

£30.00 Full Product Description

Gaultheria procumbens

Gaultheria procumbens 'Checkerberry'

Growth: 50cm High x 100cm Spread
Size: 2/3 litre pot
Availability: within 2 weeks

Common Name - Checkerberry
Genus - Gaultheria
Cultivar - procumbe...

£6.99 Full Product Description

Gaura lindheimeri

Gaura lindheimeri 'Siskiyou Pink'

Growth: 100cm High
Size: 2/3 litre pot
Availability: within 2 weeks

Common Name - Whirling butterflies
Genus - Gaura
Species - Iindheimeri

£6.25 Full Product Description


Geranium 'Philippe Vapelle'

Growth: 35cm High x 35cm Spread
Size: 2/3 litre pot
Availability: within 2 weeks

Common Name - Philippe Vapelle
Genus - Geranium
Cultivar - Philip...

£4.99 Full Product Description

Geranium clarkei

Geranium clarkei 'Kashmir White'

Growth: 50cm High
Size: 2/3 litre pot
Availability: within 2 weeks

Common Name - Cranesbill - Hardy Geranium
Genus - Geranium
Species - clarkei<...

£8.99 Full Product Description

Geranium himalayense Gravetye

Geranium himalayense Gravetye

Growth: 50cm High
Size: 2/3 litre pot
Availability: within 2 weeks

Common Name - Cranesbill - Hardy Geranium
Genus - Geranium
Species - himalaye...

£4.85 Full Product Description