Potato 'Camelot' (Exhibitor Grade) - 10 tubers Potato 'Camelot' (Exhibitor Grade) - 10 tubers

Early maincrop.This attractive early maincrop produces creamy white fleshed, oval tubers with pinkish-red pigment around shallow eyes. Potato ‘Camelot’ makes a good general use potato for chipping, roasting, baking or boiling. Also has good resistance to golden eelworm and scab. Height and spread: 60cm (24").Exhibitor varieties are subject to availability. For growing unmarked exhibition quality tubers we recommend using our Exhibitor Growing Bags.Useful links:How to grow potatoes in the ground Potato Selector GuideHow to grow potatoes in bags     How to stop blight

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The best price found is £3.49 from Thompson amp Morgan.

Stockist Catalogue Product Name Price
Thompson amp Morgan Potato 'Camelot' (Exhibitor Grade) - 10 tubers £3.49