Product reviews for Aubergine F1 Scorpio Grafted Plants
Aubergine F1 Scorpio Grafted Plants
With this outstanding grafted variety you can be picking delicious, top quality, glossy black aubergines up to 2 months earlier than you might otherwise have done. It's easy to grow and very heavy cropping! Why do we call them Turbo? Because we've taken the best varieties available and grafted them onto extremely vigorous-growing root stock. Commercial crops have been grown in this way for a while and have been shown to:Be more vigorous, producing larger plants. Have greater resistance to pests and diseases. Have less susceptibility to nutritional disorders. Perform well with less heat in your greenhouse. Yield top quality fruit over a longer period compared to normal plants.Our trials have shown that grafted plants are incredibly healthy and give rise to larger, strong-growing plants giving bumper yields. They'll perform well outside but are particularly recommended for greenhouse growing, where they will fulfill their potential and allow you to get plants off to an early start in spring without paying a fortune on heating your greenhouse.. Pack of 3 Pot Ready Plants. . . . .