Product reviews for Clematis Miss Bateman
Clematis Miss Bateman
Clematis Miss Bateman has elegant white early summer flowers initially striped green with gorgeous contrasting chocolate-red centres and mid-green leaves. This compact large-flowered clematis is excellent for growing in large containers or looks great in borders. The main flush appears in late spring to early summer and is often followed by a second show of blooms in late summer to early autumn giving you twice the delight!
Type: Perennial - Hardy Climber
Supplied as: 4.6cm plug plant
Preferred planting position: Sun
Preferred soil type: Well-drained soil preferably with roots in the shade.
Flowering period: May - June and August - September
Eventual Height: 250cm
Eventual Spread: 100cm
Cultural information of how to care for your plant is included.
1 plug plant.