Product reviews for Common Crab Apple Malus sylvestris Pack of 120 Cell Grown 2050cms
Common Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris) Pack of 120 Cell Grown 2050cms
This RHS Premium Cell Grown Common Crab Apple (Malus Sylvestris) hedge comes with the benefits of container grown plants but the price is nearer the bare root price. The plants come with their root systems intact whereas bare root plants can lose the tiny fine feeding roots and root hairs when they are lifted. This means that they will become more established quicker than bare root. They can also be planted into warm soils when roots are active outside the dormant period. Whereas the bare root season ends between April to September September October March April and May are ideal months for planting cell grown plants. In fact unlike bare root you can plant cell grown plants throughout the year as long as the roots are kept moist. That is why 60 of the worlds forestry trees are now cell grown