Product reviews for Courgette Partenon F1 Plants Pack of 5 Pot Ready Plants
Courgette Partenon F1 Plants Pack of 5 Pot Ready Plants
A compact-growing, high-yielding courgette, ideal for a small garden or greenhouse. Needs no insects for pollination, so you'll always get a good crop of tasty, dark green fruit! Full growing instructions included. May HEALTH BENEFITS - High in vitamins A (For growth, healthy hair, skin, bones, teeth, and eyes as well as resistance to respiratory infections), C (Anti-ageing, wound healing, decreasing blood cholesterol and prevention of infections. Assists the body in absorbing iron), and E (Antioxidant important for anti-ageing [particularly for skin]). ANTIOXIDANTS: Term used to describe a number of organic substances such as vitamins A, C & E, the mineral Selenium and 'Carotenoids' - the pigments which colour many fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants are thought to help prevent cancers, heart and stroke problems by assisting in the 'mopping up' and expulsion from the body of substances known as 'free radicals' which can be created by exposure to various environmental pollutants. COOKING HINT - Do not remove skins, just slice and grill, stir-fry, boil lightly or use raw in salads. Serve with chopped mint and balsamic vinegar.