Garlic Vayo (Hardneck type) Pack of 2 Bulbs Garlic Vayo (Hardneck type) Pack of 2 Bulbs

A first-rate virus-free garlic, producing a bountiful harvest of large, very attractive violet-glazed/ streaked bulbs with a superb flavour. 2 Bulbs (12-13 cloves per bulb). Virus-free French variety.Buy any two packs of garlic for £7.90 & SAVE £2.00! Seperate sections, or cloves of each bulb should be separated and planted just below the soil surface 10cm (4") apart in rows 15-20cm (6-8") apart. Space rows 15-20cm (6-8") apart. Lift the crop in mid summer and store like shallots. HEALTH BENEFIT: A recognised superfood, garlic has been shown to lower blood fat and cholesterol levels and help reduce blood pressure in addition to combatting bacterial, fungal and viral infections. CULINARY HINT: Add garlic before cooking for a milder flavour, afterwards if you prefer it stronger! If you are a garlic fan, try also garlic chives which you can pick all year.Hardneck types - these are closest to wild garlic and naturally form a seed stalk which gives this type its name. This stalk or scape is delicious used in stir fries and sauces! Our 'Rocambole' varieties are very hardy, so will thrive throughout the UK, and are ideal for more northern areas. Hardneck types form larger cloves than Softnecks, but do not keep as long.Virus-free French varieties: Try these specially-prepared types for healthier plants and larger harvests of tasty cloves! These varieties come from certified virus free stock. They have the added bonus of also being ideal to harvest in May as 'green garlic' - a delicious, mildy flavoured vegetable much favoured in the restaurant trade. November onward Garlic 'scapes': food for free - almost! Plant our 'hardneck' garlics and you will get a delicious bonus! These varieties produce a green flower stalk - known as a scape and this is usually removed to encourage bulb development. If the scape is cut when it is young and tender it becomes a delicious novel vegetable in its own right. Scapes can be used in stir fries, sauces and just about any dish where a mild garlic taste is appreciated.

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