Product reviews for Hornbeam Carpinus betulus 4060cms Bare Root 2yr old 1u1 pack of 25
Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) 4060cms Bare Root 2yr old (1u1) pack of 25
Preferred common name: Common Hornbeam Other common names: European hornbeam, horn beech, horse beech, hurst beech, white beech, yoke elm, charmille The RHS Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) is a hardy native hedge, similar in appearance to Green Beech with midgreen leaves. It produces green catkins from late spring to autumn, turning to clusters of winged fruit. The RHS Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) hedge retains brown foliage in winter, especially if pruned in late summer. This makes it an excellent windbreak and screen. So much so that it used to be used in mazes. Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) hedges are a wildlife haven. The fruit provide autumn food for wildlife. Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus hedges provide food for moth caterpillars including the Small White Wave, Pale November , Nut Tree Tussock, and Copper Underwing. Hawfinches eat the seed in autumn and winter. Hares, rabbits and field mice love the leaf shoots and foliage. Each tree supports around 28 species of wildlife.RHS Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) is suitable for heavy wet soils, and frost pockets. Shade and wind tolerant. Also known as Yoke Elm.Bare root hedging is a very low cost way of planting a hedge, but is only available to buy and plant when dormant (NovemberMarch). Orders ahead of 1st November will be stored to guarantee an early delivery date.