Product reviews for Natural Pest Control Whitefly Killer 1 treatment top up
Natural Pest Control - Whitefly Killer - 1 treatment - top up
Whitefly is a major pest of vegetable and ornamental crops, with both the adults and the nymphs feeding on the plant, which can cause stunted growth and fruit can be soiled by heavy infestations. Varieties under particular threat from Whitefly are tomatoes, cucumbers and fuchsias.Whitefly Killer is the first of two treatments for Whitefly, and is supplied as Encarsia Formosa on cards which are hung on the affected plants. As these tiny parasitic wasps hatch they fly off and parasitise Whitefly pupae. These predators are harmless to all other creatures.It is recommended to use Whitefly Killer early in the year and switch to Whitefly Mix in the hotter months. Whitefly Killer is only suited to use indoors or in greenhouses with a minimum temperature of 16°C, and is supplied in three introductions at fortnightly intervals.Natural pest control products offer a safe and effective way of controlling pests for both edible and ornamental crops, without the use of toxic chemicals, making them ideal for the organic gardener.Only suitable for indoor or greenhouse treatments.Full instructions supplied with each treatment.Top up packs are available for severe infestations.