Product reviews for RHS Pea Misty Seeds
RHS Pea Misty Seeds
An outstanding First Early variety producing a heavy crop of 7-8cm blunt pods.
Borne mainly in pairs against bright green foliage and filled with succulent peas.
Flowers and sets pods over a long period.
For best growth plant in well-drained moist rich soil in open situations.
A bumper crop can be experienced over an extended period with these seeds are ideal for successional sowing.
Sow March to early June and harvest June to August.
Plant height is 60cm.
Sowing instructions:
Sow 5cm deep in flat-bottomed drills (a shallow trench in which seeds are planted) spacing seeds about 2.5 - 5cm apart in rows about 60cm apart.
Growing instructions:
Germination and establishment may be poor in cold wet soils or from earliest sowings.
When plants are 10cm tall the use of tall twiggy sticks or netting is needed for support.
The peas will be ready to pick around 11 weeks from sowing and regular picking will encourage further cropping.
Net against pigeons which can be a problem in some areas and cover with muslin just before flowering to avoid attack by the pea moth.