Product reviews for Sprouting Seeds Chickpea
Sprouting Seeds - Chickpea
Chickpea Sprouting Seeds are mild in flavour with a crunchy texture. High in fibre and Vitamins A and C chickpeas make a nutritional and tasty addition to salads and sandwiches. Alternatively blanch in boiling water and chickpeas can also be added to stir-fries stews casseroles and soups.
An airing cupboard is ideal if white sprouts are required or in the kitchen out of direct sunlight for green sprouts. This will give two slightly different tastes and textures.
Fast growing chickpeas can be sown all year round. Sprouting Seeds are easy to grow in a jam jar making them ideal for children or alternatively grow in a sprouting kit.
Type: Vegetable
Cropping: 2-4 days
Ideal for: Children
Sowing Instructions
Growing Indoors:
Sprouted seeds will store in an unsealed polythene bag in the fridge for 3 or 4 days. Rinse regularly.
1 x 45g packet