Product reviews for Weber Chimney Starter Weber Chimney Starter for Weber BBQ
Weber Chimney Starter - Weber Chimney Starter for Weber BBQ
The chimney starter ensures perfect glowing briquettes. It holds precisely the amount of briquettes required for barbecuing in a 57cm charcoal barbecue. The bottom grate is conical, so as to best exploit the chimney effect.
There’s only one sure way to ensure perfect ignition every time: use the Weber chimney starter. Fill the chimney starter with briquettes and use firestarters to light them. You will need 2-3 of them to light a full chimney starter. This way you’ll have perfect briquettes in 20-25 minutes, and you can prepare the food while they heat up.
The Weber chimney starter holds precisely the amount of briquettes required for barbecuing in a 57 cm charcoal barbecue. Remember to use a pair of barbecue mitts when transferring the hot briquettes to the barbecue.
For further information on the Weber Chimney Starter or any other Weber products don't hesitate to get in touch and speak to one od our Weber Specialists. -