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BERBERIS thunbergii  Maria  3 Litre pot  Premium  Pack of 8

BERBERIS thunbergii Maria 3 Litre pot Premium Pack of 8

Our RHS Berberis thunbergii Maria is known for its bright gold leaves and reddish new growth, by autumn its foliage will have dropped the distinguishing yellow colour it displays and takes a more oran...

£57.99 Full Product Description

BERBERIS thunbergii 3 Litre pot

BERBERIS thunbergii 3 Litre pot

Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii) is a species of Berberis, native to Japan and eastern Asia. It is a compact and slow growing, but ideal for low and prickly hedges. The dense prickly deciduous ...

£3.75 Full Product Description

Berberis thunbergii 3 Litre pot  pack of 8

Berberis thunbergii 3 Litre pot pack of 8

Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii) is a species of Berberis, native to Japan and eastern Asia. It is a compact and slow growing, but ideal for low and prickly hedges. The dense prickly deciduous ...

£26.99 Full Product Description

BERBERIS thunbergii 3 Litre pot  Premium

BERBERIS thunbergii 3 Litre pot Premium

Our RHS Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii) is a species of Berberis, native to Japan and eastern Asia. It is a compact and slow growing, but ideal for low and prickly hedges. The dense prickly de...

£6.99 Full Product Description

BERBERIS thunbergii 3 Litre pot  Premium  pack of 8

BERBERIS thunbergii 3 Litre pot Premium pack of 8

Our RHS Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii) is a species of Berberis, native to Japan and eastern Asia. It is a compact and slow growing, but ideal for low and prickly hedges. The dense prickly de...

£52.00 Full Product Description

Berberis thunbergii 3 Litre x 40   Pallet Deal

Berberis thunbergii 3 Litre x 40 Pallet Deal

Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii) is a species of Berberis, native to Japan and eastern Asia. It is a compact and slow growing, but ideal for low and prickly hedges. The dense prickly deciduous ...

£100.00 Full Product Description

BERBERIS thunbergii Atropurpurea 10 Litre pot

BERBERIS thunbergii Atropurpurea 10 Litre pot

The Barberry hedge, inherits the Latin word Berberis where it is a genus of evergreen and deciduous, spiny shrubs with small leaves. The Berberis Thunbergii is a species of Berberis, native to Japan a...

£20.00 Full Product Description

BERBERIS thunbergii Atropurpurea 2 Litre pot

BERBERIS thunbergii Atropurpurea 2 Litre pot

The Barberry hedge, inherits the Latin word Berberis where it is a genus of evergreen and deciduous, spiny shrubs with small leaves. The Berberis Thunbergii is a species of Berberis, native to Japan a...

£3.50 Full Product Description

BERBERIS thunbergii Atropurpurea 2 Litre pot  Pack of 8

BERBERIS thunbergii Atropurpurea 2 Litre pot Pack of 8

The Barberry hedge, inherits the Latin word Berberis where it is a genus of evergreen and deciduous, spiny shrubs with small leaves. The Berberis Thunbergii is a species of Berberis, native to Japan a...

£27.00 Full Product Description

BERBERIS thunbergii Atropurpurea 3 Litre pot

BERBERIS thunbergii Atropurpurea 3 Litre pot

The Barberry hedge, inherits the Latin word Berberis where it is a genus of evergreen and deciduous, spiny shrubs with small leaves. The Berberis Thunbergii is a species of Berberis, native to Japan a...

£4.50 Full Product Description

BERBERIS thunbergii Bagatelle 3 Litre Pot  Premium

BERBERIS thunbergii Bagatelle 3 Litre Pot Premium

RHS BERBERIS thunbergii Bagatelle (Japanese barberry) forms lovely purple leaves on a hedging plant that requires little maintenance. Suits planting in coastal areas and can be used as hedging or scre...

£6.50 Full Product Description

BERBERIS thunbergii Bagatelle 3 Litre Pot  Premium  pack of 8

BERBERIS thunbergii Bagatelle 3 Litre Pot Premium pack of 8

Our RHS BERBERIS thunbergii Bagatelle (Japanese barberry) forms lovely purple leaves on a hedging plant that requires little maintenance. Suits planting in coastal areas and can be used as hedging or ...

£49.99 Full Product Description